
Hogan Assessment

Learn more about the three core Hogan personality assessments offerings and their uses:



Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)



Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) measures the bright-side personality ­– characteristics that describe how people relate to others when they are at their best (day to day) – Job Fit (+): Based on the Five Factor Model, HPI measures normal personality which affects people’s ability to get along with others and achieve their goals, a component of reputation that describes day-to-day strengths and weaknesses.

  • Simply put, HDS measures the personality-related risk factors and blind spots that derail careers. HDS has 11 primary scales and 33 subscales.
  • Uses of the HDS: Coaching and development, high-level position selection, team functioning, and selection for safety-sensitive jobs.
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) measures the bright-side personality ­– characteristics that describe how people relate to others when they are at their best (day to day) – Job Fit (+): Based on the Five Factor Model, HPI measures normal personality which affects people’s ability to get along with others and achieve their goals, a component of reputation that describes day-to-day strengths and weaknesses.

  • Simply put, HPI measures normal personality and interpersonal characteristics necessary for career success and advancement. It has 7 primary scales and 42 subscales.

  • Uses of the HPI: Talent selection, career pathing, individual assessment, development planning, coaching, promotions, and succession planning.
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) describes personality from the inside – measures the core goals, values, drivers, and interests that determine what a person desires and strives to attain. (values & drivers) – Organizational Fit: By assessing values, we can understand what motivates candidates to succeed, and what type of position, job, and environment they will be most productive in. The MVPI contains 10 primary scales. Each scale contains five subscales concerning Lifestyles (the manner in which a person would like to live), Beliefs (should, ideals, and ultimate life goals), Occupational Preferences (what one likes to do, what makes a good job, preferred work materials), Aversions (attitudes and behaviors that are either disliked or distressing), and Preferred Associates (the kind of individuals desired as coworkers and friends).

  • Uses of the MVPI: Compatibility with organizational culture, employee motivation factors, career motivation, and leadership environment one might create.

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

Designed as a measure of normal personality as observed in the work environment, HPI is used in personnel selection, individualized assessment, development, and career-related decision-making. It provides information regarding what is called the “bright side” of personality – characteristics that appear in social interactions and that facilitate or inhibit a person’s ability to get along with others and to achieve his or her goals.

Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

Designed to sample an individual’s motives, values, and preferences as they relate to work and work settings, an MVPI profile is used to indicate the top needs and desires that an individual may search for in a position and/or organization. If these needs were not met within the context of the position and/or organization, the individual would likely be dissatisfied and may search out other opportunities that are more accurately aligned with his/her motives, values, and preferences.

Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

Designed to measure eleven patterns of interpersonal behavior that may appear during times of stress or heavy workloads. These tendencies can potentially disrupt relations with others and/or interfere with a person’s career goals if taken to extremes. Self-awareness of these areas, coupled with developmental changes, may reduce the risk of these characteristics contributing to career derailment. Developmental areas would be unique for each individual.

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)

A cognitive measure proving an assessment of a candidate’s tactical-level and strategic-level reasoning skills. Tactical Reasoning Skills deal with the ability to solve problems, while Strategic Reasoning Skills deal with problem identification – being able to anticipate issues and trends and think at the strategic level.

Hogan 360 Report

A comprehensive multi-rater feedback tool designed to help career-minded individuals and leaders at any level of an organization gain a better understanding of how they are perceived by managers, peers, direct reports, and others. The report uses an easy-to-enter leadership framework to provide a real-time look at an individual’s attitude, behavior, and performance. Commonly used for development purposes, the report offers constructive feedback and sets priorities for improvement.

Hogan Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Report

Assesses emotional intelligence, the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions and others. Based on a person’s HPI and HDS assessments, this report provides an overall EQ score as well as scores and feedback for six emotional intelligence competencies.

Hogan High Potential (HIPO)Talent Report

A development-focused solution to equip an organization’s high-potential talent population to become their next leaders. This model measures three dimensions of leadership potential, highlighting individual strengths and ranked areas of actionable development. The intent is to prioritize areas where focus and attention should be targeted, resulting in maximized leadership potential.

Hogan Compass Report

The Career Compass is a narrative report on an assessment of a person’s core values. Based on the MVPI assessment, it is an essential part of anyone’s career planning process; it can be used to choose an occupation or to identify the type of organization in which a person would be most happy working.

Hogan Team Report

The report summarizes HPI, HDS, and MVPI data in terms of group trends, areas of convergence/divergence and describes overall team score implications. It helps individuals understand their team’s mix of strengths, weaknesses, and values, as well as identify and correct potential “fracture lines” to maximize team performance. This is designed ideally for teams of as few as four participants, and a maximum of 20 participants.

Hogan Assessment Suite

CSA Talent Development Services provide a variety of Hogan assessments besides the three core instruments of Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI). They also provide the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and partner with elateus to provide PRISM.

Additionally, resources provided through partnering with CSA Talent Development Services are staffing/retention strategies, talent evaluation, mentoring, team building, succession planning, 360 assessments, and personalized coaching.

Hogan Assessment Suite

CSA Talent Development Services provide a variety of Hogan assessments besides the three core instruments of Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI). They also provide the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and partner with elateus to provide PRISM.

Additionally, resources provided through partnering with CSA Talent Development Services are staffing/retention strategies, talent evaluation, mentoring, team building, succession planning, 360 assessments, and personalized coaching.



Bio – Gene Eggman

Gene Eggman, VP of Talent Development Services, leads CSA’s Talent Assessment, Executive Coaching and Professional Development programs. Prior to CSA, Gene was the Chief Human Resource Officer for Pace Industries, a privately held manufacturing company consisting of 4500 employees across 15 facilities in the U.S. and Mexico. Gene’s background also consists of 10 years at the Headquarters of Tyson Foods headquarters where he was the Corporate Organizational Development Manager for a $6 billion Food Service Division and a Director of HR Operations overseeing 13 HR Managers in Tyson’s Refrigerated and Deli Food Divisions.

Gene is a Certified HOGAN Practitioner, BEST WORK Practitioner, MBTI Assessment Step I + Step II Instrument Certified, and leads CSA’s partnerships with CommercialSolutions and PRISM Testing. For companies looking to utilize assessment testing as a complement to CSA’s recruitment solutions, Gene can help organizations be more effective at putting the right people in the right roles. For candidates seeking Executive Coaching to take their career to the next level, he can develop a plan to support their personal and professional development.

Gene Eggman’s experience in HR leadership roles in the Consumer Goods industry provides him with the credentials that make Gene and our team at Cameron Smith & Associates trusted advisors in Executive Search and Talent Management.

Bio – Gene Eggman
Bio – Gene Eggman

Gene Eggman, VP of Talent Development Services, leads CSA’s Talent Assessment, Executive Coaching and Professional Development programs. Prior to CSA, Gene was the Chief Human Resource Officer for Pace Industries, a privately held manufacturing company consisting of 4500 employees across 15 facilities in the U.S. and Mexico. Gene’s background also consists of 10 years at the Headquarters of Tyson Foods headquarters where he was the Corporate Organizational Development Manager for a $6 billion Food Service Division and a Director of HR Operations overseeing 13 HR Managers in Tyson’s Refrigerated and Deli Food Divisions.

Gene is a Certified HOGAN Practitioner, BEST WORK Practitioner, MBTI Assessment Step I + Step II Instrument Certified, and leads CSA’s partnerships with elateus and PRISM Testing. For companies looking to utilize assessment testing as a complement to CSA’s recruitment solutions, Gene can help organizations be more effective at putting the right people in the right roles. For candidates seeking Executive Coaching to take their career to the next level, he can develop a plan to support their personal and professional development.

Gene Eggman’s experience in HR leadership roles in the Consumer Goods industry provides him with the credentials that make Gene and our team at Cameron Smith & Associates trusted advisors in Executive Search and Talent Management.