Cameron Smith Associates Blog

The DNA of a High-Performing Team

At Cameron Smith & Associates, we understand how important it is to create a high-performing team. Cohesive teams, after all, have many benefits for the workplace and the company overall.   Many components can make up a high-performing team. Throughout our time in the industry, we’ve found several key components that truly drive an effective team.…


Tips for recruiting Gen Z to your team

It’s no mystery that Gen Z is revolutionizing the workforce across industries. Age 24 and younger, educated Gen Z workers are natives when it comes to digital trends and technology use. Aside from their comfort with technology, Gen Z recruits have a myriad of workplace characteristics that can be a great addition to your team.…


5 tips for choosing the right recruitment agency for you

Choosing the right recruitment agency is an essential step in growing your business, staying competitive within your space, and attracting the talent you will need to develop a company culture as unique as your professional vision.  However, not all recruiting firms are built the same and some are simply incapable of meeting your hiring needs…


Ecommerce: Digital trends occupying physical spaces

Ecommerce has been a disruptive force for more than twenty years, slowly but surely securing a larger market share year by year, forcing retail companies to rethink and remodel how they do business.  The unique and ongoing circumstances of the pandemic accelerated the growth of ecommerce by isolating large portions of the population who still…


Looking beyond the interview: Hiring the RIGHT candidate

The interview. Many candidates and companies see it as the deciding factor in the hiring process. You have reviewed the candidate’s information, called them to express interest, and now is the face-to-face or virtual meeting where they present themselves as a whole and you discover if the pieces form a viable resource and valuable team…


The Great Resignation: What does it mean for CPG?

The Great Resignation, coined by Texas A&M professor Anthony Klotz, is a socio-economic event that has been on just about everyone’s lips. Nearly every industry, post-pandemic, is predicted to experience resignations of upwards to 40 percent of the workforce.  The shift is expected to come for a variety of reasons. The pandemic was a period…


You’re the CEO of you

Your career is precisely that – yours. You are the CEO of you before you are the CEO of anything else. Most people spend decades immersed in a career, so you’ll want to find a career that you can enjoy and grow with. Speaking as a long-time student of the employment business, I look at…


Promoting your company culture: Marketing through positivity

Developing and promoting a positive company culture are big steps towards meeting any organization’s long-term goals.  Creating diverse and inclusive working environments, where contributors can feel and see that their work is valuable and appreciated, is essential to retaining the talented people who keep you competitive. So, how do CPG companies attract and add innovative…


Candidate Red Flags: Getting ahead of costly hiring decisions

Identifying candidate red flags before a costly hiring mistake is made can save companies resources needed for growth.  The first line of defense in the hiring process, where an experienced hiring manager can determine technical aptitudes and cultural compatibility, is the interview.  We all know how nerve-wracking an interview can be. A lot is riding…


Headhunters: Industry experts in real talent retention

Headhunters. Recruiters. Talent access professionals. All of these terms are familiar to corporate leadership and HR professionals alike.  Why are these talent and staffing experts used so frequently in virtually every industry, at nearly every level of employment, but especially at the executive level? Simply put, headhunters prevent the costly mistake of a bad hire.…


CPG Recruitment: 4 ways to take your company from survival to prosperity

The value of experienced and knowledgeable CPG recruitment has never been more evident or relevant than in 2020. Industry trends are forcing CPG decision-makers to shift focus from the traditional sources of leadership and talent to meet the demands of these emerging paradigms. Omnichannel marketing and digitization have resulted in more comprehensive customer experiences. Customization…


How are you prioritizing your people?

In this very uncertain time, people are looking for leadership.  AND, people are looking at the leadership not just in their own company but also studying what other companies are doing to make a difference.  Times are changing and a new normal is going to be created. Employees are looking at their managers for direction,…


The #1 Rule of Resume Writing: Don’t Waste the Reader’s Time

Write a resume that clearly showcases your strengths and accomplishments, so your reader can quickly see the connection between your background and the company’s needs. Investing time upfront to present an organized, articulate resume that shows respect for your reader’s time is a great way to not only introduce yourself to your next employer but…



Although the last few years have seen important strides made in addressing the gender gap on corporate boards, a worrying trend in its wake is that many men in corporate America are getting tired of hearing about it.Even though countless studies have been published about the benefits of having a healthier variety of thought, experience…


Why Some People Get Hired – and Others Don’t

Hint: Preparation and good manners will take you a long way. Written by: Cameron Smith Ask a manager why someone was hired and you hear, “We love her energy!” Whether they call it confidence, enthusiasm or positive energy, managers know it when they see it. But, how do you convey energy and enthusiasm in the…


Amazon vs. Walmart – The Tide Has Turned

For the past 10 years, it’s been a foregone conclusion that Amazon would soon take over the retail world.  As proof, in 2017 published an article titled “Walmart Will Never Beat Amazon”. But, as with everything, nothing is so certain.  Just two years later, the author who published “Walmart will never beat Amazon” has…


Your Most Important Investment: YOU

Recently, I attended a networking event where we sat at tables based on our life stage. I moderated a list of questions to a group of ladies who had been in the workforce 15+ years. As the session was wrapping up, I decided to ask a final question: “What things are you doing to continue developing/investing…


Making a Difference: Treating Diversity as a Business Priority

The problem with unconscious biases is that they are unconscious. They’re tough to see, hard to talk about, and can take a long time to change. As Beth Pittman and I discussed at the Stanford Graduate School of Business Me2We Conference, pushing against them in the workplace can be encouragingly straightforward and a proven way to improve both…


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